Help, my mom isn’t listening to me!


I’m 15 years old, I turn 16 in 2 months. I’ve had my period since I was 12... so 3 ish years. I’ve always used pads. I’ve mentioned to my mom today that I want to switch to tampons, because pads are becoming very uncomfortable for me. The blood gets sticky and the CLOTS 🤢. Ugh. When I mentioned it she shut me out and said she doesn’t want me to tear my hymen because of a tampon 😐. This upsets me because my mom LOVES the fact that I’m a virgin for no reason, she wants me to stay perfect forever. I don’t like that she’s putting her peace of mind over my comfort. I personally don’t care if I tear my hymen... it’s bound to happen one day. I just want her to see this from my side. Any thoughts ?

Edit: my mom is very educated on tampons, because she used them for years before she switched to a divacup. However, I am not allowed to use neither.