What are your baby’s day routines? W/naps & bedtime included 19 month old is refusing naps

Today we had no nap at all and she wouldn’t wind down at all. She fell asleep at 11! And last night she had a late nap at 4-6 and didn’t go to bed until 12:30! I’m trying to get things on track. I’m feeling really discouraged and could ise some experienced mama examples. I’m also 12 weeks pregnant with another baby and me and my hubby have been extremely exhausted all month. Feels like we haven’t had a good night sleep in forever and we can’t catch up on sleep. It’s really causing a rift in us and messing everyone up.

We cosleep and we’re also in Canada and in a cold cold winter. Do you always do activities or independent play? She always wants me to play with her and I get nothing else done which I love some days but other days it’s really hard

Thank you kindly in advance mamas 💓