Update -7 week US

Miss Melissa • ♥️IVF success with Baby Girl, Emilia 8-10-21 at 42♥️

Morning lovely ladies! Everything went very well today! Picked up the smaller babies heartbeat, so looks like they both are here for the long haul!!! Smaller baby probably implanted a day later then the other baby- still a little smaller but both have healthy, strong heartbeats!! I am feeling so, so beyond blessed right now, like legit feel like this is a dream still!!! I hope everyone is receiving good news, sending virtual hugs to all the mommas that may not be doing to great- I love this forum and can’t thank you all enough for all the support, from my 1st retrieval with 0 blasts- to my failed transfers- you all have had my back- I am forever grateful for all of you!