He told me “I’ll get tired of him eventually” wth does that mean??

He texts me “good morning baby” every single day... even if I asked him a question the day before he doesn’t even a knowledge it or answer he just presses the reset button by saying good morning everyday...

I know he is always working but I feel like if you are really interested in someone you would always find a way to make time to see them or text back. I see he be active on social media while I wait for a response.

So he barely texts me back throughout the day and he hasn’t answered any of my calls for a whole week.

When I spoke to him abt this before he told me l will get tired of him and that I only feel this way about him in the beginning.. it’s about 3 months now.

Since he always take his time to text back, I didn’t respond to his good morning text today I just left it there on seen....