Was I wrong here?

He never said he wanted to keep him over night, he said he wanted him for the day so I gave him a reasonable time to bring him back. I never mentioned he had a dr appt because he never asked to keep him over night. It’s so hard to coparent with this man like wtf!

So I just never responded because he can’t even come to a mutual agreement without saying stupid stuff.

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Posted at
His grammar is fantastic😳also real shitty he doesn’t even want him if he has to bring him back that evening. He’s a real one. 🙄


Posted at
You need a custody order or something and he needs to sort his grammar out coz reading that gave me a headache


Posted at
Put a custody order in place and you won’t have to deal with this dingbat about when he’s bringing him back


Posted at
You’re not wrong. He is just a shit dad.


Posted at
I think this should have been covered before he took the kid.


Chelsea • Jan 3, 2021
It obviously was which is why he said just keep him.


Posted at
He needs to go back to elementary school his grammar and the way he talks is so funnyI would go to court about thisGood luck


Posted at
Co patenting isn’t hard if you guys COMMUNICATE


Posted at
Everyone saying g she needs a custody order need to see the big picture... this isntbonly about coparenting this is that child's parent !!!! Yea he looks like a mission to co parent here but dont take that away from your child just cause you made a bad decision in your life ... unless hes really putting the child at risk or exposing him to really inappropriate things purposely etc. Make it as positive as you can... if he is hard to work with you can still CHOOSE to be the better person not for him but for your child. Keep it short, simple to the point and dont forget positive. Lol You an amazing momma and I'm sure you already know that. Happy new year.


Posted at
Next time, be 100% transparent with him about your child’s appointments just in case even though he may never asks about it but it’s better to communicate and makes sure he knows about it so that way you two can coparent better. I’m sorry about that though. He sounds like a headache!


Posted at
What language is he speaking? 🤯