Implantation bleeding or period?

My period isn’t due for 7-9 days so I’m very confused tbh! 😩 my cycle is around 32-34 days every month. Last month I was a week late but I wouldn’t imagine that would make my period 9 days early this month surely? I’ve been having sex every other day through my suspected fertile window. Is it possible I ovulated early and the apps wrong?

Sorry for the photos but it doesn’t look like a period that’s why I’m so confused. It’s completely stopped now, lasted around 3 hours but only when I wiped. I have no back pain, aches or cramping but I didn’t with my other pregnancies either. I spot bled around a week before my period with them too.

This would be my second child, with my first I never had this I literally had like a few spots of dry blood in my knickers and that’s it.

I’m not going to test until my periods due but I just wanted opinions/thoughts!

Thank you x