Requested time off for IVF


Question for you ladies, has anyone had a hard time getting time off for transfer?

I am extremely frustrated and not sure what route to go. I have been going to appointments for infertility related stuff for about 4 years now. I have been open with my boss and my employer about my process so it’s not a burden when time comes. I let her know about my calendar and told her that it can change depending on when I trigger and when my cycle starts but I will let her know as soon as it does. She became all weird with me, told me to call HR to keep them in the loop. Have any of you had a hard time or had to go through this? I am super confused because I have been with my company for 15 years and this has been my 4 year process. I have tried to contact HR but there has been no response. I feel like I shouldn’t be stressed out right now and this is stressing me out. Please let me know if any of you have had similar situations?