How do you get your newborn to sleep?


I am a second time mom and my daughter is always crying and always wants to be picked up. She’s only a week old and I understand everything is new to her. This Friday will make her two weeks and I haven’t gotten a proper sleep. I’m running on 3 hours and less of sleep for the entire day and when my son gets back from his grandmas I don’t even know how I’ll

Manage, because I count on those little three hours. I’m losing my sh*t slowly and silently. My partner works early in the morning and when he gets home he watches our daughter but the thing is I can’t sleep. My daughter wakes up every hour so I don’t sleep because I feel more tired sleeping for a hour then waking up, so I stay up. How do you cope? Any tips for baby to sleep because the white noise and baby sleep music isn’t working and after I hold her and put her down she wakes up.

Please no rude comments because I understand this is part of parenting. 😩❤️