Best friend


Since it's about my best friend I have no one to rant to about it and just wanted to get it it out.

So my best friend (well I guess former best friend) has been dating this guy for almost 4 months now and is "so in love". Back in like June before they started dating we used to all hangout and he seemed like a really nice guy so I started to help the 2 of them get together and hangout more (I'm kind of considered the matchmaker of my friend group) but with her being my best friend she told me everything that was going on and I noticed the relationship was quickly going toxic and tried to make her aware of it but she continued to dismiss me because -and I quote- "you have no relationship experience." That was shitty enough, but I let it slide and basically spent the last few months watching her lose herself more and more in this relationship. I watched as he pressures her into sexual stuff before they became official which is a big no for her usually. Whenever she told him she didn't want to spend the night with until they were officially dating he immediately asked her the next day just so he could get her to sleep over (like wtf dude). He would basically do whatever he could to stop her from spending time with me or even talking and would hang up her phone while we were talking. As long as I've known her she always said she would wait for marriage because she's a Christian and it's what she believes is right, but she told me that he put it in without even asking her (again wtf man). I've heard him tell her that if she hadn't lost weight he would've never even looked at her and that he wouldn't be in a relationship if they weren't having sex. He treats her like an Uber (he doesn't have a car and is always getting drunk) and a sex toy always grabbing her sexually and possessively no matter who is around. I refused to talk to him or even be around him about a month into their relationship when he basically told me that if I died a virgin then my whole life would be worthless and that if I won't have sex with a guy then I'd be worthless to the guy...I feel like if this is what you're saying to me what are you saying to your actual girlfriend?!? Whenever she had a pregnancy scare he basically berated her instead of being supportive, because she was terrified. In the span of 3 months she called me crying about him 11 times, because he will tell her stuff like he wants to break up...and then convince her all the fights are her fault. Because I know pretty much everything that happens in their relationship I saw some videos on tiktok about red flags in relationships and stuff like that and sent them to her, then she went off on me and said that I was being a bad friend and unsupportive....I haven't talked to her since and that's been about 2 weeks. Our other friend says that I'm being a bad friend because I'm being unsupportive, but there's no way I'm going to support a toxic relationship with that shitty clown of a man.