Baby Doll Question

Ok, so recently I’ve been wanting to buy a Baby Doll for my son..

I was told no, that it’s Gay basically for him to have a doll.. he’s 2 Yrs old.. has anyone gave their child(Boy) a baby doll? Do y’all get shit for it? I know if I buy one they’re just going to be like.. “why did you buy that for him he’s a boy”.. & get so many looks for it.. I feel like their shouldn’t be a problem w/boys having a baby doll. & learning how to “watch” them if that makes sense to <a href="">nurture</a> and care for them..

What’s yalls opinion on it.

Should Boys be able to have a Baby Doll?

Yes or No?

Please leave me yalls opinion or reasoning behind why or why not ..

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