What do you think? Could I be pregnant again?


Pleeease help..

My cycles are usually about 34 days long. Not usually ever longer than 35..

I breastfed for 6 months after having a baby and didn’t get my period that whole time..

I have had 2 average cycles since my period has returned. This is day 37 of my current cycle..

I tested last night (day 36) with a cheapie pregnancy strip and it was definitely negative.

I have been working out more this past month too. Is there a chance I could still be pregnant or should I just assume that my cycle is still trying to adjust to “normal” and it’s delayed due to exercise and whatnot as well.

I should also say, I wasn’t trying to conceive this month yet, though I am not on birth control because we want to start trying soon, and we only use the pull out method. The idea of being pregnant again sounds more and more amazing.. and originally we wanted to wait until babe #1 is a year old, but I can’t help but think about how great it would be. Hubby has also been thinking about it.