Toddler prefers his daddy

El 💛

I know that this is a phase but it still hurts nonetheless. My toddlers dad and I have been separated ever since he was five weeks old. Now that he’s older and talking and more independent, he says “daddy” a lot when he’s with me and that he wants him. He tends to show him more affection as well when we are all together. It hurts my feelings. I can’t stop wondering if I’m just doing something wrong, not spending enough time with him, etc or if this is a normal phase for every toddler. I feel a sense of rejection. And I get embarrassed when I say bye, love you, hugs, etc to my toddler at daycare and he just kinda ignores it. He rarely ignores it at home but when we’re around others, he does and then I start to wonder if they think I’m a bad mother or that my toddler doesn’t even like me.