Is this a crush or just a different type of friendship?

I don’t know if this is like the beginning of a crush or maybe just a different kind of friendship I haven’t ever had before and need some help or advice I guess?

So I started to this girl and became friends with her about five or six months ago, and I’ve been noticing some different things that I do with her that I don’t do with friends I’ve had for well over five years.

Like when she texts me I get like really happy or excited maybe? I don’t know what it is really. But I just end up having a smile on my face even though it’s normally a pretty normal conversation we’re having.

And like recently I sent her like this pretty random video of something that happened and she was like the first person I wanted to share it with, but didn’t want to do it all through text, so I sent her a video instead! And she really like liked it or appreciated that I thought of her when wanting to share something with her.

But she sent me like this short video back because she just wanted to share a video with me. And she was a little awkward with it but I found it so cute that she did that.

She sends me like different pictures of things and sometimes selfies as well and there was one time she sent me a picture of her makeup she did and she was proud of how like good it looked but when I saw her one of the first things that popped into my head was that she looked hot! And even looking back on the photo that’s the only word I can use to describe her. But I don’t know if it’s exactly weird to think your friend looks hot... But I also don’t know if it’s normal to think a lot of the things your friend does is cute.

There are so many times where she’s either explaining something or has reacted to something I’ve said to her(like a compliment) and just the way she reacts or does something I think is so cute. But I feel like that may not be normal at all!

Plus she doesn’t get compliments a lot so when I do compliment her she gets kind of shy with it and I just get this overwhelming feeling of just wanting to shower her in compliments and I don’t know why.

We’ve been friends for a short time but have grown really close and shared a lot of personal stuff with each along with just having a lot of mutual trust for one another.

I’ve never had a friendship where I feel like I react or have feelings like this. And that could be because I haven’t really made such a good connection with a friend/person in such a long time since all of my close friends I’ve known for 7 or more years.

I just really don’t know if this is a beginning of a crush(or already a crush idk) or just a different kind of friendship I haven’t had before or had in awhile.

Can anyone help me out?

EDIT- Something I would like to add is she’s 100% straight and I am either Bi or Pan(I haven’t figured that out yet but do have a true attraction towards women). And if it’s a crush I have on her, I really want to get rid of it simply because I do treasure her as a friend and don’t want my possible feelings getting in the way of things if that makes sense?