Should I be worried?


I’m currently 12 weeks & 3 days pregnant. I work 8.5 hour days, standing the whole time and don’t get a set break. I work in a cake shop so it gets up to 40 degrees C Inside. I often feel faint or dizzy if I don’t eat in the day or don’t drink enough but today at around 10 am I suddenly felt really week and upon going to the bathroom, I started losing my vision. I got up to wash my hands and my vision was completely black for a minute or so. It eventually went away but I was so incredibly hot & sweaty and then threw up a few times. I felt a bit better after drinking & eating something. Just don’t know if this is normal, considering that I haven’t been sick at all so far. My boss didn’t really do much & I had to continue working for the rest of the day which wasn’t fun. Has anyone else had this & if so is it common/should I be concerned at all? I had slightly high blood pressure at the midwife the other day + I have to get some medicine for slightly low iron so I guess it could also be that.
