I know what it's like

Angel • Mama of 3 boys 👦🏾👶🏽👶🏽 2011💙2018💙2019💙 and expecting another one '23

My youngest is will be 2 soon in April, and I just wanted to vent because I know what it's like to have ppd and postpartum anxiety it hit me hard, during his first weeks of life. He had some issues going on and I was struggling adjusting to life with 3 kids with little help. I was really scared to death and was losing myself every day. I had low self esteem bad. Ppd plus Ppa can really mess with your mind and will have you thinking all type of crazy things, it definitely will have you feeling bad at random times too. I cried everyday out of the blue for no reason at all, I didn't want to do anything for myself or for my baby sometimes because I was so tired and stressed out. I was hearing voices in my head and started talking to myself, like for example I would ask a question and then answer it myself and then basically have a whole conversation with myself, that probably was from not sleeping enough. I was so sleep deprived and stressed out from my baby being up all night and never sleeping, because he was suffering from Pyloric Stenosis and I didn't know. I didn't feel like myself at all, like someone said on here they feel like they're just a walking shell or something like that, that's exactly how I felt. I was here but not really here with ppl. I felt like I was stuck looking at ppl from inside my body and screaming for help but no one could hear me. I hope everyone overcomes ppd/ppa! If I did it, you can too! I know it's rough believe me, I do but don't give up just yet your babies need you! Oh and I'm 27 😊💗💪🏾