Freaking tf out

About to drop $400 on books but here’s the thing

I have an application for the dental program that is a week after classes start and if I don’t get in I have to change majors MEANING all this money for these classes and books ARE FOR NOTHING and by the time I find out the money will be gone.

I didn’t realize the deadline was so soon so I’m not prepare. I would’ve taken different classes last semester if I’d of known and I would’ve tried to intern. I thought I had all summer FUCK I’m soo screwed there’s no way I’m getting in. All the advantages they talked about, I don’t have any. I don’t stand out in any way all because I haven’t started the classes they prioritize. This sucks I’m stressed. It’s such a competitive program ugh

Anyone know if they ever used there A&P book for school btw? The shits $200 and if I don’t get into dental I’m not going down the health or science route so it’s waste