Holy crap the cow milk worked

Pen • 8/17 🌈👧🏼 | 11/19 🌈👦🏼| 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

I stopped nursing my son during the day a couple months ago but we've still been breastfeeding during the night when he wakes up (we bedshare). Two nights ago I was at the end of my rope, so irritated with having to breastfeed to calm my son down. His latch sucks and it's super uncomfortable and annoying for me. So last night, I took a chance and brought a small sippy cup (we use silicone sippy lids on mason jars, so it's soft) of cow milk to bed with me, and tried giving my son some of that when he woke up, instead of boobs. It freaking worked. I was not optimistic that it would, but it did. He took a few sips, then cuddled up and went to sleep each of the 3-4 times he woke up.

Anyway, for any other nursing moms who want to stop but don't want the tears, maybe this is a good compromise to give a try?

Edit: night 2 trying this he was not interested in the sippy milk, BUT he also didn't try to get boobies after I offered the sippy, and he only woke up around 5am (rather than midnight, 2, 4, 6....) so I'm still going to keep trying it.