Baby eating too much .. (Never really full.)

Justine ♡ • MAMA to a beautiful boy. ♡

My baby is 16 weeks today, & I believe he’s eating too much & relying on a bottle for comfort & to fall asleep.. he’s gotten basically to the point where he won’t sleep without a bottle (he falls asleep while eating) & will scream & scream even after 8oz’s every day.. sometimes he’ll have 16oz in O N E feeding.. 8oz & then another 8oz right after bc he’ll scream & scream... I contacted the pediatrician a few weeks back through my chart & sent a quick message with my concerns & all the doctor replied back with was if he’s still hungry - feed him more .. I don’t know.. my baby is starting to look very big for his age & it’s starting to concern me. We have an appointment in office the 28th but I feel like baby is never really full... any advice?

(Formula Fed.)