
I have to share my story I know Im late but I hope my story will be able to inspire somebody whatever you do DON'T GIVE UP ❗❗❗ DON'T GIVE UP ❗❗❗ DONT GIVE UP ON GOD KEEP YOUR FAITH πŸ™πŸ™Œ because no matter what GOD WILL SEE YOU THROUGH πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒI been a member since Oct 2015 and I been TTC since July 2014 🀦🏿 I have been TTC for 6 years now I ha e PCOS and when I say πŸ—£ it was hard trying to get pregnant also due to me having irregular periods. I didn't ovulate every month like a "normal" person(no offense) I only came on my period every 2-3 months and sometimes i would be longer ugh 😩 I hated it 😑 I tried metformin, different Teas, different vitamins nothing πŸ™…πŸΏ worked I WAS FRUSTRATED, HURT πŸ’” , CONFUSED I was every emotion you could think of because I wanted my Baby πŸ‘Ά and I felt like everybody around me was getting pregnant 🀰and I wasn't so I went straight to thinking πŸ’­ I can't have kids I was 26 and even though I didn't have anything much I felt incomplete as a Women but I always had Faith πŸ™ in GOD πŸ™Œ and I knew he wouldn't put more on me then I can't bear and as of December 24, 2020 I found out I was actually PREGNANT and even though when I didn't love myself and I forgot about my self GOD didn't count me out IM not sure why God bless me with a child in a time like this and right now im not stable πŸ’”Im not working right now and I live with a friend but Im not going to question him because you no what I will be stable I will be in my own place in the next couple months and God do everything for a reason he showed me that even through all my trials and tribulations He will continue to Bless me πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ THANK YOU JESUS FOR GIVING ME MY BIGGEST BLESSING πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ˜˜ MORAL OF MY STORY DONT GIVE UP ON GOD BECAUSE HE WONT GIVE πŸ†™ ON YOU KEEP YOUR FAITH AND DONT STOP πŸ”΄ TTC YOUR DAY WILL COME I PROMISE 🀞❀