Move out or stay

Me and my baby’s father live together co parenting. The place is in my name but he pays the big bills. One night he broke into my room (the door was locked) and went through my phone calling different numbers from his phone. Guy friends and some school teachers. Asking are we friends or more than friends because he’s my baby’s father and he pays my bills. Which is definitely not the case I pay all my bills but as a unit household he pays bigger bills than me. I was thinking about moving out as he has hid weed in my room from his P.O. Also stole somethings out my room too. Would you move out or stay ? He says he was attacked by demons that’s why he did it. I was thinking about moving in with my mom but she has 5 other people living with her. Plus I tried that before and it didn’t work out too good. I’m currently trying to get my nursing degree and I’m just confused about what to do