Feel like giving up... really upset today

Just found out a girl i started trying around same time is 5 months..So it had been about a year of trying and now I found out that I have a "small" fibroid tilted uterus and as the doc said a unworrisome cysts. For the last two months I get AF at all different times.. this month 48 last 25..have for almost 2 weeks.. can't tell when ovulated. .. so fustrated. I tell myself... I'm bless to have my son..which I know is very true.. but deep down I just feel like it will never happen. Everybody around me trying same time already prego... and here I am 36 years old and getting older and nope... I want to just yell at Hubby and sat it's your fault.. we waited way too long!!! I just want to give up. He says just don't think about it, but that's hard when I'm the one faced with the pain cramps and clotting of the AF... a reality that once again it didn't work... just feel like giving up.. I don't know how much longer I can deal.. cause to tell the truth each time she comes I want to yell IT'S YOUR FAULT. ..WE WAITED TOO LONG..... and then I want to crawl in a corner. I don't know how much longer I can do this. I guess only option is to try and convince myself it will never happen. ... don't know... please need a person to talk to that might know what I'm going through.