Symptoms and lack of 5 week 2 days


I'm 35 as of 4 days ago was 34 when got pregnant and now I'm worried as was 5 week 1 day at er I went to try and see had ultra sound and the dr say smaller sac so super early and to recheck as I plan it but my boobs are less sore of course now today on sides I only had some pain when touch not day to day and I'm anxiety as it my 2nd and we told daughter who is 8 and we wanna have a healthy and normal is it normal to have less boob pain on 5 week I was having pain when touch on n off mostly 2.5 weeks already and nervous scared as he seen sac and no baby he claim it too early but I'm scared as I dont see dr till Thursday and I came off all nt medicine whi chh cause me anxiety as was anxiety meds also I quit 6 days ago already when I found out last period claim of dec 11 2020. Any input to help me ease if any one had a child and this happen