MIL takes daughter to her bed for “naps”


Ok I need everyone’s opinions. My MIL watches my 2.5 year old daughter for half a day a couple times a month. My daughter stopped napping at 2, but like any toddler gets tired midday and normally we have some relaxation time together on the couch with a book or movie.

My MIL keeps asking my daughter if she wants to lay down in grandmas bed when she seems tired and recently when I pick daughter up MIL tells me, “she got really tired. We laid down in our bed and played pretend with animals”. This makes me uncomfortable. She has mentioned taking her to bed now every time I see her for the last month. She never falls asleep or it’s confusing. I was playing with my daughter there and she kept wanting to put her stuffed animals to sleep in their room and I had to tell her, that Is there room and only for them to sleep and share.

My MIL/FIL’s bed does not seem like an appropriate place for a 2 year old...especially one that is no longer napping. They have a spare bedroom with a bed, and that seems like a more appropriate place to take a grandchild if you want to lay down with them.

My husband agrees, that it’s weird. What do you all think?