TMI and super weird. What would it mean???


So last night I had a dream that I was in my home town visiting my mom or something like that and I don't remember what happened at the beginning but there was a point where I was about to take a bath or shower and I noticed something came out of me so I thought I had just had another miscarriage "I previously had one over this last summer" but when I looked at it closer I realized it wasn't human. And shortly after another one came out just a tad bigger so I showed my mom and she agreed it wasn't human some kinda animal then I felt pressure in my Uterus so I was like mom there's another one I can feel it and when I reached in there I pulled out a small rat or mouse that barely even had hair but it was small and black and I freaked out so I showed my mom and we put it in a little tote like container and I felt another one so I pulled it out and same thing. I ended up pulling like 20 or so out during that day in my dream before I finally woke up. It was horrible it felt freakishly real at the moment.