

In a way I feel stupid 4 months ago he asked my mom if he can take me out I guess he figured I wasn’t interested so I’m guess he was talking to other people . During this time he live near my house I will always see him in the car with this same girl mind you I never cared because I’m guess he was talking to somebody but the whole time I was already dealing with my relationship problems . Now 4 months later recently we started talking he was giving me interest that he liked me but how ever when we finally exchange number he would text back either the next day or hours late I will do the same the only time he called me was at night and we will fall asleep on the phone together I asked him if he had a girlfriend he said it’s just somebody he Hang out with while he sell weed out his car and he also said she rolls his blunts and chill so I’m thinking it’s a friend still but this is the same girl from before he told me don’t worry I won’t put you in no bad position. A day ago we finally went out to eat went to his house and then dropped me off the morning and didn’t text mw the whole day until I did . Yes we had intercourse but now I feel bad about the situation because our conversation always seem realistic and he express himself to me about his personal family issues he is dealing with how can I get revenge on this situation I told him how I felt he never responded