Cystic hygroma and balanced translocation

Miranda • 🖤*💙*🖤 One baby boy, with UBT. Two little ones waiting for us on the other side 🌈

Husband has balanced translocation, which means baby has a 50% of having severe genetic abnormalities.

On top of this, at my 10w scan they saw baby had lots of fluid around their neck and chest. We were always going to do extra genetic testing because of our known risks anyway... But got in to see MFM last week.

They weren’t able to do the CVS because my uterus is so retroverted. Bowels and bladder still sitting on top of my uterus, and placenta tucked right at the back. .... But, they did say baby only had fluid around their head and back. Not the chest this time.

Really hoping this a good sign, that the fluid is going down and baby is going to be okay. Does anyone else know much about cystic hygroma or have experience???

Going back in on Thursday at 12w2d to try and do CVS if my uterus has moved forward and up any.