boundaries... was i right or wrong? bsf ruining my relationship :/

little bit of a backstory. my cousin in my best friend. my entire life, we’ve shared ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. toys, rooms, clothes, people, literally every and anything. obviously this fine, and i have no problem with it. but she is 2 years younger than me, so sometimes i don’t always love sharing things just as i’m sure she feels about me sometimes. but i have never set boundaries, never stepped up, and never been firm with what i wanted UNTIL a few months ago.

i started having a crush on my childhood friend (that i’ve known since we were born, so we are both older than my bsf), about two years ago. he lives 20 hours away and i visit his family every year or so. Obviously my best friend was well aware that i liked him!!

a couple months ago, he posted his phone number so i was going to text him. however, she somehow got his number off my phone and started to talk to him and completely threw my under the bus, made me sound like a creep, and embarrassed me. i was NOT mad only bc the boy didn’t care and this started the beginning of my relationship with him.

before him and i became a thing, we became best friends. we talked at least 10 hours a day and called allllll the time because long distance is tough. what i was not aware of, was that my bsf was also developing a friendship with him.

the problem here was that I LIKED HIM, AND SHE STARTED TO GET CLOSE WITH HIM? i would never do that to anyone. i don’t mind her being friends with my friends, as long as she makes those friendships herself. she just mooched this friendship off of me! she had never met this boy, she did not know this boy, and she was getting really close to him and i was starting to have to compete for his attention. (we were not dating at that time, so if it isn’t a problem that he was giving her attention. the problem was HER).

he was also starting to create tension between me and my bsf because she was weirdly trying to squeeze her way into the relationship. so to stop the tension, i asked her to stop talking to the boy i was in love with. she did not. i asked again, she said ok. but she lied and went behind my back, changed his contact name, and texted him even more.

when i confronted her, she started crying and saying that “i had a better life than her, so she deserves friends.” uhhhh ok??? you can have friends bro, just NOT THIS BOY. i was so fucking mad and my feelings were so hurt. she broke my trust.

but because she was making me feel like a selfish bitch, i let it slide. she eventually stopped talking to him so much, and him and i got closer and finally opened up about our feelings and we’re working towards dating.

but then my best friend started talking to him again, and things with me and that boy ended, and i genuinely feel like she fucked it up. now i barely talk to him, and she doesn’t talk to him at all (at least that’s what she said. idk if i can trust her).

things ending with that boy hurt a lot. i’ve been broken hearted for quite some time, and she makes it worse. whenever i try to bring up a sweet memory i had with him, she has to go ahead and be like “ok well anyways, HE told me.....”

that makes me feel like shit because first of all, she was not supposed to be talking to him in the first place. second of all, she shouldn’t be comparing her experience with him to mine. he was my first “bf/ actual talking stage” and we truly cared deeply about each other and to this day, him and i have a very special connection.

SHE literally just started texting him and doesn’t even know anything about him 😐

anyways, if you read all that thank you. was my best friend right, or was i right? this was the first boundary i set with her and she broke it, so was i even right to make that boundary?