Tesa/sperm Donor


I help someone to help me and cope.

My husband has Azoospermia, we are trying to figure out if it’s blockage or what. At first we thought it was NOA due to his low hormone level. We have been spending money weekly for medications like pregnyl and clomid. It has increased his testosterone tremendously but still no sperm. So now we are at the point to do TESA. I am very realistic and I don’t like to be blind sided. So I’m 50/50 hopeful. If there is sperm, great, let’s move on with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. If there isn’t then now we are done. My husband feels some type of way of having another mans sperm to impregnate me, but all I want and desire is a healthy baby that we both can love. He said he would shut down, and I know him. I would be in this pregnancy all alone, and he would not be there to enjoy it if we chose to do sperm donor. I’m so over it but I really want to experience pregnancy and labor. That’s what my body is designed to do, and for that to possibly be taken from me because his pride, is killing. I just hope that the Tesa works, if not, idk what to do!