Am I overreacting ?

So my bf & I had sex twice the past week. Out of 3 condoms in the pack, there was one more left which I told him that he may keep it for next time if he wants even though there's no need to since we always buy new ones. He has very strict parents to whom he doesn't wanna open up to about his sexual life so apparently he didn't keep it and threw it out after I went home.

Out of curiosity today when I went over him, I asked him if he still has it and he told me that he threw it away after I went and I literally blew out accusing him of lying and using it with someone else. I have trust issues and even though that we've been together all day all week, even though he's been great with me since we met, and even though we talk on the phone all the time, especially this whole week since I've been having some problems and he's been helping me with them. I was so mad to the point I even suggested breaking up.

Was this an overreact?

I have no reason to suspect of him cheating on me it was just that I just don't trust anyone to be so faithful and in love with me as he is.