5 weeks 2/3 days ultrasound


I've had 3 early scans due to some cramping early on. All that can be seen in each scan is an empty gestational sac. I'm measuring a week earlier which I'm not worried about as I ovulate late and my cycle is longer. Last Friday the sac measured 1.26cm and the doctor said that was around 5 weeks 2/3days he seemed to be sure that it could be a missed miscarriage but asked me to come back next Thursday. We have an appointment booked for this Friday with a regular doctor and an appointment booked for next Thursday with a private doctor and I have no idea what to do. Its torture staying at home as I've been told to rest so all I am doing is thinking. Do we go on Friday to see if there are any changes or are we best to wait it out till next Thursday. Does anyone have any pictures of their scans around 5 weeks.