Rash All Over Body *Update*


*Update* Her rash got way worse yesterday, which led to a trip to the ER and followed up with her doctor today. They both seem to think it is a delayed allergic reaction to the antibiotics she was on... And with benadryl and a few more days it should go away. This morning it is way less red and hopefully will be gone soon!

Ok so lets start from last week, Monday 1/11 my daughter started a fever between 100-102 took her to the doctor Wednesday, positive for Strep Throat, started antibiotics, next day rash all over. Switched antibiotics, fever gone, rash gone by Sunday 1/17. Back to her normal self, eating playing, no fever, all good. Now this morning she wakes up with the SAME rash all over. Back to the doctor, Strep was negative. Last dose of antibiotics was yesterday.

What could the rash be and why did it come back? No other symptoms, no fever, no runny nose, no cough, nothing. Just the rash, which doesn't seem to itch or other her.