Should I just put him on child support?


I'm honestly just tired of the back and forward bickering. Our baby isnt even born yet but he doesnt seem interested in really helping the way I wish he would. He has a good job and makes good money and he has a big savings account. However we arent together and everything he makes he gives to his 2 kids and his 2nd babymomma. He hasn't helped me with doctors appointments costs, ultrasound costs, medication costs, nor anything pertaining to the baby. I've boughton and paid for everything on my own on top of my own expenses. He keeps saying he'll help but he never does. Anytime I ask for something we always end up fighting and I end up having to get it on my own. For the record I work my ass off in a physically high demanding job so I can pay my things, however, if hes going to say hes going to help and never does it makes me nervous to how things will be once our baby finally comes. We broke up because he always put his kids and his babymomma before our relationship. I understand he wants to be there for his kids and provide for them. I supported that 100%. However he would only ever come home to sleep for 3-5hours daily, wake up to see his kids @ HER HOUSE and go to work. Never made time for our relationship and even when I got pregnant he has never been involved in my doctors appointments or anything related to the baby. I don't think I asked too much for spending time with me and support me every once in awhile. Why start a new family if you cant even dedicate one day a week to your new family because you're always somewhere else. He told her I couldn't afford paying things on my own and that I was unemployed and that's why he would pay $420 a month for rent when hed live with me. The stupid bitch believed him. ONLY cause hed live with me did he ever pay that because Car, insurance, the rest of the rent, utilities, groceries etc. Was always paid by ME. Now that he lives with her he pays half of ALL her Bills and I dont even see $20 from him in trying to buy things for our baby. I feel like I basically have to beg each time for even any consideration on helping me out. But like I said, I always end up paying everything regarding our unborn baby ON MY OWN. I've got my mom thank God but how can I trust him to provide for our daughter while i dont work? If he really wanted to help like he claims I think hed make an attempt starting now. He doesnt even need to give me money, he could buy it on his own and give it to me. I'm just so fucking tired. All this is stressful considering shes my first baby and I've been doing this all alone since he cheated on me with her and left to move back in with her. Half of me doesnt even want my baby around him at all once shes born, but I'm torn between "it's his right as a dad" and "why do i want someone who makes no attempt to provide for her be involved."