Should all social media platforms make use of IP address banning?



As far as I know I’ve only heard of glow using it. I’m not sure if other social platforms incorporate it or not.

Do you think all social media platforms should have an ip address ban? It would be used for extreme cases like hate speech, violence, misinformation, etc (if user continues to do these actions )

Do you think IP address banning is useful or useless? Why or why not ?

By banning the ip address do you think it will stop online trolls from creating multiple fake accounts to spread hate speech and other harmful things?

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Posted at
From what I've been told by a friend who works in IT, IP addresses change fairly frequently. And of course you can skirt an IP ban all together with a VPN. But it's probably still the best existing solution with dealing with hate speech on the internet


Posted at
I’m not against all platforms using an IP ban. I wouldn’t make a law or anything and I don’t think anyone is implying that. It wouldn’t stop me from using any platform as usually follow the rules. I also don’t have the mentality that it’s owed to me to say what I want without consequences though.


🍋 • Jan 21, 2021
*as I


Posted at
This does make a lot of sense. But I think it would be hard to implement because I think people can change or completely hide their IP addresses. It’s probably a lot harder than just making a new account, but if they really wanted to they could still use whatever social media platform has banned them. But I think it would be a good deterrent to set into place


Ma • Jan 21, 2021
I didn’t even think of that. But like you said it would be a lot of work for a troll to go through unless they really wanted to do it


Posted at
They are fairly easy to work around, reset your router enough or use a VPN and the ban doesn't affect you. I do think they should ge used though, people who aren't tech savvy or don't want to go to effort just to creep/troll/bully will be stopped fairly well. Discord uses IP bans, I have a creeper blocked on there which found me in a group chat lol.


Posted at
Yes. It's easy to change an IP address though...I'm pretty sure you can pay for it or if you get a new phone it gives you a new one (I'm not the most tech savvy tbh). But I do agree it helps.Story time: I had a brief friendship with a guy who would troll TalkLife, a venting app that I used myself. He was very pro Trump and constantly wanted to trigger people until the mods got tired of it happening over a two year span and they IP banned him. It actually worked because he moved to Whisper lol.


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Ip can be gone around if said person just rests the thing they can get back into the platform


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I think IP bans have their limitations and their problems, especially with mobile devices. If I connect to Starbucks WIFI to do my trolling, it doesn't make much sense to block the Starbucks IP because that will affect all customers and I could just start drinking McDonald's coffee and use their WIFI. I'm not sure what the solution is. Shadow bans were a pretty clever idea, but anyone posting inflammatory content eventually notices or finds a way to check if they've been shadow banned and will just make a new account. The only 'real' way I can think of is to take away anonymity, and I'm definitely not ready to support that.


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I think for things like racism, sexism, or inciting violence, yes. Definitely.


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Instagram follows up with IP bans too, if you continue to break their community rules. It’s a nice thought, but you can change your IP address or get a VPN (if I understand that correctly), and/or get a new phone and account.


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Yes! I wish you could also block people by IP Address. It’s ridiculous that some people can just keep making account after account to harass someone online.