How many oz does your little drink (breast milk)


My so is 9 months now and when I’m off or on the weekends our breastfeeding journey is beautiful. I still just feed on demand and that works for us wonderfully. But pumping is another story. My freezer starch is nonexistent at this point, and I pump day by day. I’ve made peace with this, and we make it work. But his babysitter, whom I absolutely adore, wants to feed him more. He’s doing great with solids and eats 2 times a day, with a snack in the afternoon. I’ll start increasing to 3 times a day this weekend. He starts his day with a 10-15 min nursing session around 6:30, then another small session before I leave for work just to “top him off” I take 3 5oz bottles for the babysitter everyday. He’s there from 7:45-4:10. When we get him, he doesn’t have another nursing session until around 6:00, so that’s usually 3 hrs from his last bottle at the sitters. I feel like he’s getting plenty between the 3 bottles, plus 2-4 nursing sessions on a work day but she’s asking for because he shows signs with her he’s hungry. I don’t want him to be hungry and go without but I simply do not feel he really needs it, annnnnd my supply barely gets us to the 3 bottles a day. Anybody else going through / went through something similar? Any suggestions? I drink one body amour drink a day, take 9 moringa supplements a day, and try to do a power pumping session every day. Any help would be so very appreciated.