I'm sad

So my fiance and I have been together for almost 9 years and we have a 1 year old. I finally am losing weight and getting my body toned up. And tbh . I like sleeping naked or with just panties with a big shirt somtimes. Or just the panties. Tonight I got up to the kitchen and my fiance and I were talking and he kinda raised his voice in a joking uncomfortable way and said why am I always naked. I was wearing just panties.. and I said because it's comfortable for me to sleep like this. Then he said that it's weird for me to be naked all the time. And I was hurt. Just because it's not like a was doing it for him. We had only had sex once since I could remember. Maybe less than a month passed. So he kept asking me why I'm mad and I told him I wasn't mad. I was just sad. To me I feel like he should want to attack me or just let me be then. Then he started saying that it's unnatural and weird and that in the Bible ,the forbidden fruit and we were aware that being naked was something unnatural . Then he said that it's like if you have sex with your partner everyday. That it doesn't mean you don't love or you're not attracted to your partner. Its that you loose something. Idk what word he said. To me it was appeal but he said he didn't say that. I kinda spaced out because I'm just really hurt and sad . He said he didn't understand why I was so hurt and that I'm not listening to him . He didn't say I was unattractive but he got mad because he had to repeat words. I'm not sure what to do or say.