Nursery naptimes


Hello ladies,

My little boy is starting nursery in about a month just after he turns one. I spoke to them today and they were saying they only had one naptime a day. I explained he currently had 2 naps (about 1.5 hours each) and I didn't think that would change but appreciated it was still a few weeks away. She did say he could nap when he needed, but not very convincingly.

Lunch and tea are at 11.15 and 3.15, at both these times he is usually sleeping.

Is this normal to only have the 1 nap at nursery? Is it better to push for 2 naps or hope he adapts? He really struggles to be awake longer than 3 hours at the moment (11 months old). If he does only have 1 nap at nursery, is it better to keep 2 when he is home or is that confusing?