Tired of holding baby all night

He’s 5 weeks and has to be held ALL the time. Put him down and he cries. Sometimes I get lucky and get 5 minutes to do something, but not often. Literally set him down for 2 seconds to wipe my ass, because YES I have to hold him even on the toilet 💩 and he started crying. someone always has to stay up to hold him. It’s exhausting. And it’s not getting better. He started off sleeping in his bassinet, pack and play just fine. As the days went by he would nap in them but not sleep in bassinet at night. Now he’s not napping or sleeping in bassinet at night. I’m tired. I don’t know what the problem is. But this isn’t going to work for me. I need sleep. I need to clean my house. I need to do school work. I need HELP

Yes we swaddled him at first but then after a while it didn’t seem to be doing anything so I stopped and I just put him in a sleeper.