Length of breastfeeding session?


Hi all,

Hope you can give me a little reassurance about baby behaviour during growth spurts. My son will be 3 months in 1.5 weeks.

Just wondering if this is normal:

He sleeps from 9pm until 12am. He will breasfeed at 12 am for 6-9 minutes and fall asleep. Next feed is between 2:30-3:30 am also lasting 6-9 minutes. Then again at 5am. He will nap on and off until 3pm with 2 BF session between those hours that are about 5 or 6 minutes. Then another session at 7pm.

He does have periods of severe outburst cries before sleeping. Which I attributed to tiredness. Could also be colic or reflux.

Does this sound normal for babies that age? Are the breastfeeding sessions too short?

Note: he has 7-9 wet diapers, with 2-3 poops a day. No cough, no diarrhea.