Working out Due date after falling straight after miscarriage...


Hello everyone,

I had a very early loss in December. I was only just 5 weeks.

Hospital advised I would miscarry (had stomach pain but no bleeding at time).

I started to bleed a few days later on 15th December.

We weren’t too sure whether to try this month - GP assured it was safe to do so but would make dating difficult.

Tracked my ovulation and got my peak on 6th January - that’s the day we also had sex.

I got my first pregnancy test last Friday 15th January.

Super strong tests - digital with weeks said 2-3 weeks Wednesday 20th. (It said 1-2 on Friday 15th)

From some Google research it seems I’m more accurate counting back two weeks from ovulation (6th Jan) to make me 4week 4 days?

I know it won’t be accurate until dating scan but I’d like to book an early scan privately around 8 weeks which I think will be half term. But could I be a week ahead of where I think I am?

Hope that makes sense.

Very anxious - this time my lines are so much stronger than last time / it feels different. I feel as though the pregnancy never got started last time before it ended - well that’s helping me to cope with the loss.