What should I do about this?


Hi everyone. I’m in a bit of a dilemma and I’d love to hear some opinions from y’all so I don’t feel like I’m crazy. My husbands co worker asked us in August last year if we could baby sit his dog for a month until he leaves to go back home( his new accommodation wasn’t allowing pets).We said yes because we know it can be stressful finding a home for your pet last minute and we have a dog of our own at home so figured he could use a friend as well. Husband and I found out we are pregnant like 3 days in after getting the dog. The guy dropped off his dog with half a bag of food and a pack of pee pads. He said he would buy more food and pee pads if needed or would send us money to do the same. First month went okay, then it was time to leave and picked up his dog and left. The next day my husband calls me and says his co worker got into an accident and would not be leaving the country so he could recover and that someone was bringing his dog back to our house ( they never asked, they just showed up with his dog at the office and gave it back to my husband). Again we said okay because he’s been in an accident and we’ll help. Everything went to shit after that. The guy has recovered completely and has done absolutely nothing to tend to his dogs needs. He hasn’t bought him food or sent any money to reimburse us for buying all his supplies. We managed to get 100$ once from him but that was only because we ran into him at lunch and asked. My husband hates asking people for money, it makes him very uncomfortable and I understand that. This dog is long haired and requires grooming and the owner didn’t bother doing that either, he kept making excuses blaming COVID saying he wasn’t sure the groomers were open ( we live in Europe and things are open, it just takes a little effort to phone in and find out ). We ended up taking the dog to the groomers ourselves because he was getting dingleberries and jumping into bed (yuck). My husband sent him the bill for it but the dude kept making excuses and still hasn’t paid us back. I’m 6 months pregnant and so tired of cleaning shit and piss everyday. This dog doesn’t get along well with our dogs and is basically high maintenance. He pisses in our bed and on the dining room chairs and poops in random places sometimes despite having clean pee pads all the time. I know it’s not the dogs fault but I’m just getting frustrated with his owners negligence. It’s been more than 5 months and I don’t think my husband and I have to beg this dude to at least check on his dog from time to time. We can even bring the dog to him if he wants to see him since he doesn’t come to our house at all to play with own damn dog. Today I had enough and asked my husband to let the guy know that he needs to find another family to baby sit his dog cause I’m due in late April and I want to spend the rest of what’s left of my pregnancy getting ready for the baby. WIBTA for asking that he find another family to baby sit his dog?