Toddler won’t eat

I’m at my wits end. It’s been weeks if not months since my son ate consistently. Currently we’re lucky if we can get one good meal in to him a week and the most of the time he won’t even snack. We did a combination of spoon and baby led weaning and he ate anything and everything!

I don’t understand how he just isn’t hungry...

I’ve ordered him a table and chair to see if he wants to sit at a table rather than his highchair and give him more independence but Other than that I’m totally at a loss as to what to do.

He’s offered 3 meals a day plus fruit/veg for snacks. A variety of different foods and as much as possible I try to eat with him and encourage him. We’ve tried ignoring when he won’t eat and praising when he does and nothing seems to work.

I almost feel like I want to speak to a doctor but I just wondered if anyone has any thing I can try? 😩😩😩😩😩