I feel bad for feeling jealous!


I have hypothyroidism. My thyroid was removed and it causes difficulties TTC. I feel so bad for this but I’m not scared to admit, I am jealous of my friends getting pregnant so easily!! I feel so bad for feeling this way. But I’ve been trying for nearly 2 years. I just want a baby. And I’m very close with my friends. So they always want my help testing or they want to call and tell me first. They ask how to tell their husbands or boyfriends. And I help. I support them completely, I love them. But on the other hand I’m so jealous of them. I just don’t understand some women get pregnant out the blue and here I am to tired and so frustrated. So done hearing it’ll happen just have faith. Ready to just give up! I don’t want to feel jealous of such a beautiful thing anymore, it’s awful!!