Opinions welcome


Hello ladies! I was wondering if any of you have experienced a "knowing feeling". I just can't seem to shake the feeling that I could possibly be carrying twins. I'm currently 5wks pregnant, I got a bfp at 6 days before my expected period. Thinking back I knew I was pregnant before I even tested.

A little background this is my 5th pregnancy, twins do run in my family mostly my father's side (all fraternal). Hubby is a fraternal twin as well (I know that he has nothing to do with it, just letting you know).

I have no exaggerated symptoms, no morning sickness, no breast pain, no nothing. The only consistent symptoms are the frequent urination, and I'm bloated.... I literally look like I'm already 4mths pregnant. And none of my jeans fit. I've only gained 5lbs since finding out.