A little concerned, should I be?

So back in October I Stoppard birth control and I had a period after I stopped in and then in November. Then in December I took a plan b (even though I know I shouldn’t have) I took one in the 17th and got my period the 27th and it lasted 10 days. That first day of my period( the 27th) I started my combination pill birth control back up and had been taking it every day, I also had sex a lot this month but my BF would always wear a condom and at first he would pull out with the condom on but then I just let him finish inside of me while he was wearing the condom. After sex I would always check the condom to make sure it hadn’t leaked or ripped and filled them up with water to just double check and they were fine. So on the 22nd i started bleeding at work but my period was lighter, I didn’t stain myself like I usually do or bleed like normal but one day I wiped and it looked like this

And today there was no blood, should I be worried about pregnancy even though I started the pill on the first day of my period and still used condoms?