Ectopic pregnancy during covid

Diane • 👦🏼 2019 👼🏻Ectopic 2021 👼🏻 MC 2021 🌈 EDD 05/22

Hi everyone,

For anyone who’s seen my last posts, I am now being admitted for surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy from my right tube. They also plan to remove my tube.

I have chosen this over the mtx having done my research and felt this was the best and safest option for me and my future pregnancies.

I am sad that i am experiencing this but am encouraged knowing I am not really alone. I’ve read lots of your stories and know I am not the only person going through this.

Although the last 2 weeks getting to this point have been hard and lonely with covid meaning I have to do all the appointments and scans alone.

I have my health and I know I will conceive again 🌈

I am terrified but ready to move forwards.

Love and baby dust to you all. Xx