My dad and I don't agree 🤦‍♀️


My family and I currently live in a city/county that has a TERRIBLE school district. I actually worked as a correctional officer for this same city/county for over 12 years and I can honestly say it left me with a bad taste in my mouth for the type of people that live in this city/county. All that being said, my family and I are stuck living in this city/county for at least another 2 years since we recently bought a business and need a few years to pay off our business loan and only then can we buy a house in a better location.

My dad lives on the same property my family and I live in (we live in the small house and he loves in a huge metal barn that was made into a "tiny house"). The lot we live in is about 1 acre so that part is nice and our neighborhood isn't too ghetto which is good.

Yesterday, I told my dad I started looking into private kindergartens for my oldest kiddo since he is almost at the age. My dad rolled his eyes and said "there you go wasting your money." I told my dad the public school district in our area is TERRIBLE and I also told him I had seen enough juvenile delinquents in my previous line of work (I used to take the adult inmates to juvy court so that they could fight to keep custody of their children who also happened to be in juvenile hall custody) to make me not want to put my kiddo in a school where he wouldn't receive the best care.

My dad then said "you went to public school and came out fine." This comment by him hurt me because the entire time I went to public school I remember telling my parents I was bored with the curriculum because it wasn't challenging (I was put in honor classes and it was still not a challenge) and on top of that, I was an outsider than just didn't fit in with the kids. I told my dad I don't want my kid to be bored and not challenged and he laughed at me.

He said "he is 4.5 years old so its not a big deal." And I got a little defensive and told my dad "dad, you are 65 years old and illiterate so I get school was never important to you or your parents but my husband and I are working hard to make sure our kids are educated and my 4.5 year old is reading books that are 1st grade level so excuse me for wanting to ensure he continues to be challenged."

My dad shrugged his shoulders and said "it's a waste of money but whatever."

Do you ladies think my husband and I are being silly for wanting to put our kiddos into private school at such a young age?

Money will obviously be tight if we do it but I think its worth it because its a sacrifice for our kids' future.

If/when we finally move to a better location with a good school district we would consider using the public school system if money is still an issue.