I'm at a loss


My Fiance an I recently decided (last week) that we were going to TTC again an later that night when I went to log I was greeted with this....

😱😲 Somehow I missed AF an didnt realize it ... which is sooo unlike me... I wasnt feeling good the week prior but I kind of just assumed it was stress an now I'm having every single sign/symptom that I had last time this time it's way more intense though.. What do you think ?? We are going to test in the next couple of days an till then I'm driving myself insane wondering 😭😬🥰❤

***UPDATE*** ❤

Hello everyone, sorry for not posting sooner ive been extremely busy an a little down.. So pretty much I've taken 3 HPT so far an have gotten BFN each time 😭💔 ive used 2 clearblue an 1 first response so far..I'm hoping my HCG levels are just low an everything's okay..... I have an appointment monday so hopefully we will know by then or hopefully sooner 🤞🥺🙏❤🤞 AF is still no where to be found her arrival was 14 days ago.. I'm at a loss.

Thank you all for all the kind words an support I appreciate it ❤❤❤ I hope you all have happy healthy pregnancies!