Napping woes


If you don’t agree with the CIO method, please stop reading now and refrain from negative comments... I spoke to my doctor (twice) and he’s assured me that CIO does not cause any lasting damage. With that said, here’s my situation...

Ok, I’ve read a lot online and even bought a book. My specific sleep issues and goals don’t seem to be a topic that I can find. Looking for advice...

My 7 month old sleeps great through the night IF he’s cuddling with mom 😌 I’m not going to lie, I’ve grown quite fond of our night time snuggles and I’m honestly not ready to give them up yet. He wakes up to nurse 2-3 times at night so it is convenient to have him in bed with me.

Nap time is where we struggle. For weeks now, my baby hasn’t napped for more than 30 minutes. Essentially, he would fall asleep nursing but the second you try to set him down somewhere he wakes up crying. The swing tends to work but he still won’t stay asleep for more than 30 minutes. He’s also quite active now and he’s a heavy boy so the swing won’t work for much longer.

I have a two year old as well so I cannot hold him for his naps every day. I need a solution. When my daughter was 4 months old I went back to work. She was EBF and used to falling asleep on the boob. When I went to work our nanny sleep trained her using the Ferber method for naps. I continued to nurse her to sleep at night and she slept in our room (but in her pack and play). Point being, we were able to use different methods for nap time vs bedtime.

My hope was to do the same for my son. I really don’t want to give up our bedtime routine yet but I need to help him learn to sleep on his own for naps. Last Friday I decided to start the Ferber method for naps. I try two times per day for one hour checking on him in intervals. It’s day 5 now and he has not once actually fallen asleep in his own. Once I give up and get him out, he wants to nurse and usually falls asleep immediately in my arms. Then I am at a loss. I’ve tried taking him back down in his crib but he wakes up immediately and I don’t want him to cry any longer so I pick him up again and he usually stays awake then until bed time.

My nanny said it took my daughter a couple weeks to figure it out but I’m of course getting anxious because it hasn’t worked so far. I HATE hearing him cry but gentler methods weren’t working.

So I guess just tips and advice are what I’m looking for. And if it hasn’t worked yet I’m 5 days, I guess o just need someone to tell me it took longer than that for their baby.