I’m so confused....


I’m 36 +3. At 10am I started having contracting about 8-10 min apart. Lasted for 2 hours then they increased in intensity and were about 5 min apart. Eventually they were 2-3 and so painful I couldn’t walk or talk through them. At that point I laid down to rest and they eased up a bit to about 5 min apart. Got back up had some lunch and drink a bunch of water. They progressed again to 2-3 min apart. I called and went in to get checked on the way there in the car I was crying and stressed bc my 2 year old was upset and didn’t want us to leave. At that point they were still painful but were about 5 min apart again. OB checked me and said I was 2.5cm and 70% effaced. I had an OB app yesterday and was 2cm and 50% so I am progressing just slowly. He told me I may be in early labor. He said I can go home and come back if needed. I just don’t understand. I am a second time mom so I know what true contractions feel like. There were absolutely true contractions. I just feel stressed and annoyed.....idk if I want advice or just to rant or what lol