So confused CM TMI

OK so in the app it says I ovulated on the 17th or 18th and so following the rules we had sex around that time. Now all this week I been cramping all week feeling bloated like if AF is about to arrive. I'm 4 days before my AF comes in and I started getting this discharge. Two days ago it was more dry and now it looks like this. Very creamy and stretchy. I had to change my underwear because it was alot.

I heard when it's like this that then it's when your most fertile but it says I ovulated before and I'm usually regular. My cycle is every 25 days with a 5--6 day bleed. 3 days being the heaviest and the the last 2 or 3 days being the lightest. I heard that this can be a sign of pregnancy but also a sign that AF is ready to arrive. Usually when it does arrive it's not this thick or gooey it's more watery and slippery. so I'm confused. I'm at 10DPO and I took a digital pregnancy test and it was negative. So I'm a bit confused. I guess I need to wait another 3 more days to find out. What do you guys think this cm is ? Early signs of pregnancy or just AF letting me know it's coming. 🤔